The Future Of Makeup!!!
Jennifer Lo Hair + Makeup Artist
What makeup will we be wearing in the future...
When you think about future makeup or space age makeup, images like you see below crop up. Beautifully creative makeup, that is totally OUT THERE!
This year for Future Fest 2016 (an innovative event all about the future!!) we were asked to bring along 8 x MUA's to provide the general public with an experience on makeup of the future. This made me have to think carefully about what the makeup of the future will REALLY be like? To be honest, I do not see myself as someone as forward thinking. Don't get me wrong I set goals and think about my future and the future of my family, but what we are talking about here is WAAAAAY into the future. Hundreds and thousands of years even.
Preparations for Future Fest 2016
So, with the guidance of Dr Morgaine Gaye, Food Futurologist and one of the curators of Future Fest, we discussed what it would be like. I found out about the rise of veganism, superhumans, cyber relationships and future love, robots, nano tech, artificial intelligence and lots more. I would not be able to have an in depth conversation about these subjects but my interest has definitely been piqued!
C'mon then, what WILL the makeup of the future be like then, do I hear you ask?
Well, sadly I think the makeup products and trends of today will all be eradicated, extinct, kapoot! SHOCK HORROR! How can you say that Jen? You're a Makeup Artist! I know, I would be out of a job!
Although we did get a mixed reaction from Future Fest attendees, some thought it was a positive to get rid of cosmetics and the current makeup trends! What do YOU think?
The main reasons why we will not be using and relying on products like mascara, foundations, concealer on a day to day basis are for several reasons:
- Optimum health and nutrition- less skin problems to try and cover up as we will all be glowing and looking and feeling at our most optimum. Don't forget advancements in supplements and facial skin care technology.
- Improved well being, we will all be discussing our feelings a lot more, there will be less society pressures and fashion trends. Self love and confidence will be on the rise therefore we will be so happy with our own looks and features that we won't be trying to use makeup to tweak our faces to what 'they' say is aesthetically pleasing or trendy.
- Cyber interaction: virtual relationships and communication will all be done without actual bodily presence by the sounds of things. So who will need to have makeup applied when you aren't even facing anyone!
Sounds unbelievable right? What will happen to the huge conglomerates of the beauty industry? Well, they will adapt to what the public want.
But don't fear....
I think we will still be wearing some kind of makeup for self expression. There will still be MUAs around, and they will be just that- artists. Not solely skilled in enhancing someone's features accordingly to what someone says is aesthetically pleasing. Symmetrical features, almond eyes, cheek bones, full lips! NO MORE!!!
Makeup Artists will no longer hear people say I hate my thin lips or small eyes, hide that spot please!?
Instead, perhaps there will be makeup that you can apply that is connected to your brainwaves and emotions and change colour to suit your mood, or to mask your mood to give off a different vibe to your viewers. (This makeup would probably be banned in a poker game though!)
Anyhow this is what our concept for Future Fest was based around, a mood stripe! It wasn't actually able to change to reflect or be controlled by your emotions and feelings (yet) but people had to choose which feeling they felt the most and then we painted them with a colour. As the day continued people would spot their colours on other people and knew already how they were feeling! It was a great conversation starter, plus they could not choose the colour they wanted but had to pick using emotion. Some people really struggled with this and wanted to match their outfits or pick what colour they thought suited them! Enough said.
Perhaps makeup in the future will be just a masque to preserve our delicate luminous healthy skin beneath.
I do believe that people will wear makeup but in a more artistic way, true self expression will be prevalent. No one will worry or care what others think and anything will go. Everything will be socially acceptable no matter who you are, where you are, what you wear, what you do.
This may seem farfetched but maybe it will get you thinking a bit more about the future and where things are going. Where do you fall in this category? Also maybe think about the reasons why YOU wear makeup?
I would love to hear your comments on this please, anything goes but remember this is conceptual and fun.
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